José Manuel Ortúzar Forms; politician and Chilean lawyer. He was born in Santiago, in 1796. He died in the same city, in March, 1848. Son of José Manuel Ortúzar and Ibáñez de Ovalle and María del Carmen Patiño Forms. He married Dolores Ramírez and Fernández Garzón.

Educated at the National Institute, he obtained his law degree in 1819. After the abdication of Bernardo O'Higgins he joined the forces of Pipiolas of General Ramon Freire and marched to the campaigns in Chiloé next to the Chilean army. >

On his return, he retired with honors from the army and went to the civilian world, performing his profession. During the Civil War of 1830, he was not on the pipiolo side.

Later, he entered the Liberal Party, whereupon he was elected Senator for the province of Coquimbo (1831-1840), for Ñuble (1840-1843) and for Santiago (1843-1849). In these periods the Permanent Commission of Government and Foreign Relations was integrated.


Barros Arana, Diego (1955). "General History of Chile". Volume I (2nd edition). Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria.

Ramón Folch, Armando de (1999). "Biographies of Chileans: Members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers". Volume II (2nd edition). Santiago, Chile: Editions Universidad Católica de Chile.


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