Death Chronicles - 1

Death Chronicles - 1 is a Japanese film, released on October 9, 2009, produced by Zen Pictures. It is a film of the genus tokusatsu, of action and adventures, with martial arts, directed by Toru Kikkawa. The film has a second part with the same title: Death Chronicles - 2.

The original language is Japanese, but is also available with English subtitles, on DVD or downloadable over the Internet. Argument

The zombie project in Tokyo is started by a masked man, in the middle of a hot summer of the year of a future time. Midoris is a high school student working on the production of a heroine show called "The Dragon Force Brigade." In the building where this show is prepared, it is attacked by zombies whose demonized soul desires human flesh and blood.

Blood covered, Midori fights zombies, but is finally hit and trapped. When she had lost all hope of survival, she is saved by Yuna and Yuki dressed in yellow and blue, who are the costumes for the performance of the show "The dragon force brigade". The girls cooperate to escape the building, but the building is tightly closed and they can not get out, but they end up meeting other students in the building.

Yuna is caught and caught by the zombies, and is bitten into one of them.


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