A Tale of Poes and Fire
A tale of Poes and Fire is the 60th episode of the North American television series Gilmore Girls. Summary of the episode While Rory is in the difficult task of choosing between the universities of Harvard, Princeton and Yale, a group of the theater society of Edgar Allan Poe settled in the inn Independence for some days and also gives a very boring exhibition for the people, representing-reciting twice the Raven; both Lindsay and Nicole show some estrangement from Rory and Lorelai by their boyfriends, Dean and Luke.
Kirk copies an idea from another place and begins to make jocular inscriptions referring to everyday events of the people, a business with which it is not so successful.
Suddenly, a fire takes place at the inn, and Lorelai must take care of accommodating guests; Then Sookie invades Luke's to prepare breakfast. At night, Lorelai must accommodate all the guests in the homes of her friends of Stars Hollow, although she must also give up her bed, so she goes to Luke's house for the night. There, she comments on the dream she had in which they were both going to have twins.
Paris has missed school for several days, and Rory takes her homework and tells her to leave her room, talk to her parents and Jamie.
When Jess is elected employee of the month and Luke discovers that he has worked many hours a week, he begins to suspect he is missing classes, although Jess denies it to Rory later.
In the end Rory discovers his room filled with Yale posters put by his mother, because it had many pro and few against against the other options. Lorelai, Sookie and Michel find the true state of the inn after the fire. Curiosities