Zanfonia dresser

The rocking chair o The organillo toilet (in French, Le joueur de vielle), is one of the best known paintings by the French painter Georges de La Tour. It is made of oil on canvas. It is a work of youth, calculating its realization in the first half of the 1630s. It measures 162 cm high and 105 cm wide. It is currently exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes (France).

This work is also known by the name of The flyer, as it appears a fence of the pink loop of the instrument.

It is a genre picture in which an old musician is portrayed with brutal realism. He presents without mercy his physical decay. The background is neutral. The shades are off, with the exception of the intense red hat on the bottom. The scene is illuminated with natural light.

Stendhal referred to this painting in his Mémoires d'un touriste, noting that it is attributed to Murillo.


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