Axel Iwanowitsch Berg
Aksel Iwanowitschberg (Russian, October 29 / November 10, 1893 in Orenburg, † 9 June 1979 in Moscow) was a Russian or Soviet scientist and naval officer.
Berg was the son of a Finnish-Swedish father and an Italian mother. In 1914 he entered the imperial Russian navy, where he served, among other things, on the line ship Zessarevich and as a liaison officer on the British submarine HMS E8. Later, Berg was a member of the Soviet Navy, most recently as a countertermiral. From 1953 to 1957 he was Deputy Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union.
Aksel Berg was known as a developer of radar and cybernetics in the Soviet Union. He is buried in the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow. Edit source text Standard data (person): GND: 104758112 (PICA, AKS) | LCCN: n86073921 | VIAF: 93213332 Wikipedia People Search