Marquis of Montalbo
The Marquis of Montalbo is a title of nobility that was created by King Felipe IV of Spain, in favor of Dona Francisca Álvarez de Toledo and Novoa, who was I Marquesa de Montalbo on March 23, 1630. p> Francisca was the daughter of Don Pedro Alvarez de Toledo and Leiva, the Marquis of Mancera and the Viceroy of Peru, and his first wife, Dona Luisa Feijoo de Novoa and Zamudio, who was the daughter of the Marquesa de Belvis. Francisca Álvarez de Toeldo married Manuel de Guzmán, who was the brother of the 1st Marquis of Toral and secondly to Diego Sarmiento de Acuña and Sotomayor, 3rd Count of Gondomar, lord of Vincios, perpetual governor of Bayona and knight of Santiago.
At present the marquis of Montalbo is in the ownership of Joaquín Fernández de Córdoba and Ybarra.