José Antonio Ceballos
José Antonio Ceballos (born January 6, 1880 in Córdoba, February 21, 1956) was an Argentine politician, governor of the Province of Cordoba.
He was born in the town of San Antonio de Litín, in the department of Unión. He studied medicine and obtained the title of doctor.
In 1928, Dr. Martinez, a candidate for lieutenant governor Dr. Ceballos, was consecrated as a candidate for governor by the Yrigoyenist radicalism. In the elections, they won 93,140 votes, beating the Democratic candidates (Roca - M. P. Ceballos, 75,523 votes) and anti - personnel radicals (Molina - Figueroa, 973 votes).
Assumed as deputy governor of Cordoba and as president of the provincial Senate on May 17, 1928. Shortly afterwards the vice president-elect passed away and in his place Dr. Martínez was named in that position, reason why he resigned. Ceballos was succeeded by the government of Cordoba on August 14, 1928. That same year an epidemic of tuberculosis broke out. Mortality from tuberculosis with an acceleration from 1927, with a strong rise in the mortality rate, this increased by 116 % and reached the highest peak in 1928 deaths from tuberculosis in the province, accounted for approximately 7.98% of the country-wide total in 1927. In 1929 that proportion had risen to 29.72%, coupled with a lack of response due to the decrease in the health budget.
He was concerned about the relationship with the municipalities. During his government schools were created, the trams passed to the provincial scope and the public works were promoted. Following the first effects of the economic crisis of 1929 due to the contraction of the international commerce happened numerous bankruptcies of companies and commerce. The crisis deeply affected the refrigeration sector and the dairy industry in Cordoba.
On September 6, 1930, the revolution that at the national level deposed the then President Yrigoyen broke out. The next day, Dr. Ceballos handed over power to the military authorities.