Anopisthographon is a specialized term of the papyrology and refers to a parchment or papyrus document, which is unlabeled at the rear. The term is "composed" of the Greek components, "opistho" "behind" and "graphein".
Papyrus and even more parchment were valuable writings. In order not to waste this, the less versible back side (verso) of the papyrus roll (recto), where the writing with the fiber runs, was often used as a font carrier, where the script runs transversely to the fiber; in this case one speaks of an opisthograph. Often, such a text is printed on the back later than on the front and treated a different topic. If the texts of a fragment on the front and the back belong to the same work, and if the manuscript is identical, it is highly probable that it is not a fragment of a scroll, but of a code Edit sourcetext Edit source text