Goldface is a fictional character from DC Comics, originally an enemy of the Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). His first appearance was Green Lantern (vol.2) N ° 38 (July 1965). History
Keith Kenyon was a scientist and criminal who, thanks to an old serum based on the gold of his own creation, obtained superhuman strength and invulnerability. The elixir also gave it a golden glow (apparently a side effect). Of course, being almost yellow meant that the Green Lantern power ring could not directly affect him, making him a particularly formidable foe for the superhero. Green Lantern managed to defeat him while stealing the gold he needed for his formula. Then, Kenyon began to refine his criminal methods using a golden armor and a "gold pistol" that sprinkled liquid gold. After several confrontations with Green Lantern, Kenyon decided to dedicate itself to lead criminal organizations. Later, he moved to Central City and became an enemy of Flash II (Barry Allen), but in recent years seems to have abandoned the crime: After serving his prison sentence, he moved to Keystone City and, following in the footsteps of his father, he became an honest union leader. Over time, his elixir slowly turned his skin into organic gold. In addition, he appeared as a minor character in Wally West's stories as Flash, especially during the plot arc in which his ex-wife, Blacksmith, and his group of villains took over the cities of Keystone and Central. Appearances in other media
In Unlimited Justice League, Goldface appears as a recent member of Grodd's Legion of Evil. He is seen during the sacking of Gorilla City by turning gorillas into gold. During the riot of the Legion of Evil, he was brought against Luthor so he was frozen by Killer Frost along with the rest of the mutineers.