A fajina is a bundle of branches widely used in the war that serves to trace the works, to blind moats, to construct entrenchments, parapets, shoulders, to form dikes and bridges on rafts for communications and another multitude of works of attack and defense.
Its length depends on which have the branches that are cut off or cut from the trees and its thickness is proportioned to the work in which it is used. To construct it, the branches are tied about 30 cm away from both ends. Other shorter and shorter pieces are also built to follow the contour of the works.
It is called a fajina that is cluttered or incendiary to the one composed of very dry and soaked branches after tar, tar or other flammable mixtures, which is thrown on the pits and gaps to drive away the besiegers, to light the works, to burn wood constructions or branches etc.
Diccionario militar, J.D.W.M., 1863