
Enarete (Greek Ἐναρέτη) was the daughter of Deimachus and wife of the Aiolus, the ancestor of Aioli, in Greek mythology. The couple had seven sons and five daughters.

The sons of the couple were Kretheus, Sisyphus, Athamas, Salmoneus, Deion, Magnes and Perieres. Among the authors Hygin and Pausanias is also called Makareus as the eighth son. Pausanias also mentions Aethlios and Diodorus Mimas.

The daughters of the couple were Kanake, Alkyone, Peisidike, Kalyke and Perimede. According to Pausanias, Tanagra and Arne were daughters of the Aiolos and Enarete. Edit source text


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