Bartolomé García de Santiago
Bartolomé García de Santiago was a Spanish sculptor and retablist, a disciple of Francisco Antonio Gijón. He made several works in the last decades of the seventeenth century and first half of the eighteenth century, among them is the main altarpiece of the Hospital of San Bernardo (Seville) executed in 1729, several altars for the church of Bornos (Cadiz) and San Lorenzo (Seville) in 1731. Also the altarpiece of the parish church of Aznalcazar (destroyed in 1932), angels lampareros for the convent of Santa Paula (Seville) and the sculptures that compose the main altarpiece of the church of the town of El Pedroso (1743). His best known work is the stature of San Hermenegildo which is in the Cathedral of Seville. His son Manuel García de Santiago was also a retablist and sculptor of prestige.