Nesting is the practice of incorporating calls into functions or procedures within one another by including different levels of parentheses.
Because the potential accumulation of the latter often makes editing and error detection a cumbersome process, modern programming environments - as well as spreadsheet programs - highlight in bold the corresponding pair the position that the programmer or user is editing at any moment. The automatic control of the balance or balance between opening and closing parentheses is usually known as brace match checking in English.
Of course, for the mathematical resolution of these complex chained formulas, expressions must be evaluated from the inside out, since the results of the more internal ones temporarily serve as input data from the outer ones. In the calculation templates
In spreadsheets, you usually nest or group functions within each other, resulting in relatively complex formulas. The program Calc allows, through its function wizard, to navigate through the various or multiple levels of nesting, allowing to edit (and eventually correct) each one separately. Perhaps surprisingly, its rival Microsoft Excel does not have that feature, possibly desirable when working on some large spreadsheets. In programming In structured programming languages, nesting is related to the inclusion of control structures within others, usually indicated by the inclusion of different levels of indentation (called indentation in English) within the source code, as shown in the following simple BASIC code: function BuscarCodigo(cod as string) as integer dim, line as string dim value_to_delete integer path = "C: \ Test.csv" if FileExists(ruta) then open "C:\Probar.csv" for input as #1 do while not EOF(1) line input #1, linea if left(linea, 3)=cod then 'Carry out an action or several actions End if loop close #1 SearchCode = return_value end function
In this simple example, the conditional structure if ... then ... end if (if ... then ... end if) is nested inside another one containing it, the while loop .. loop "(" repeat ... while ", literally" do while ... loop ").