Poem by Alfonso Onceno

Globalization is an economic, technological, political, social and cultural process on a global scale, consisting of increasing communication and interdependence between the different countries of the world, uniting their markets, societies and cultures, through a series of social transformations , economic and political that give them a global character. Globalization is often identified as a dynamic process produced mainly by society, which has opened its doors to the information revolution, reaching a considerable level of liberalization and democratization in its political culture, in its national legal and economic order, and in their national and international relations. This process originated in Western Civilization and has expanded around the world in the last decades of the Contemporary Age (second half of the twentieth century) receives its greatest impetus and the end of the Cold War, and continues in the century XXI. It is characterized in the economy by the integration of local economies into a global market economy where modes of production and capital movements are configured on a global scale ("new economy"), with a greater importance of the role of multinational enterprises and free movement of capital together with the definitive implementation of the consumer society. The legal system also feels the effects of globalization and is seen in the need to standardize and simplify national and international procedures and regulations in order to improve conditions of competitiveness and legal security, as well as universal recognition of the fundamental rights of citizenship . In culture is characterized by a process that interrelates local societies and cultures in a global culture (global village), there is a divergence of criteria on whether it is a phenomenon of Western assimilation or multicultural fusion. In technological terms, globalization depends on advances in human connectivity (transport and telecommunications), facilitating the free movement of people and the massification of ICTs and the Internet. Ideologically, collectivist and traditionalist creeds and values ​​cause widespread disinterest and are losing ground to the individualism and cosmopolitanism of the open society. Classic media, especially the print media, lose their social influence (fourth power) versus the collaborative production of Web 2.0 information (fifth power).

Meanwhile in politics governments are losing their powers in some areas that are taken by civil society in a phenomenon that has been called network society, activism increasingly revolves around social movements and social networks while political parties lose their popularity in the past, the transition to democracy has spread to despotic regimes, and public policy highlights the efforts for the transition to capitalism in some of the old directed economies and the transition from feudalism to capitalism in underdeveloped economies of some countries but with varying degrees of success. Geopolitically the world is torn between the unipolarity of the American superpower and the emergence of new regional powers, and in international relations multilateralism and soft power become the most accepted mechanisms by the international community. Civil society also takes a leading role in the international debate through international human rights NGOs that monitor the internal or external activity of States. In the military sphere, conflicts arise between non-state armed organizations (and transnational in many cases) and state armies (war against terrorism, war against drug trafficking, etc.), while the powers that carry out military interventions to other countries


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