Evaporimetric tank

An instrument used to measure actual evaporation. Together with a rain gauge, an anemometer, a Six-Bellani thermometer and a reassuring well, it forms an evaporimetric station.

Several types are used, however, one of the most commonly used is Class "A" Tank. This is a cylindrical galvanized sheet tank, 1.21 m in diameter and 25 cm deep. It is placed on a wooden platform of 10 cm of high, perfectly horizontal.

The volume of water required to maintain the constant level in the unit of time is measured, which can be 6, 12 or 24 hours. The volume of water consumed is transformed into mm of evaporated water per unit of time.

Several researchers have determined empirical formulas relating the evaporation measured in an evaporimeter with evapotranspiration of various crops.


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