
Roll.EXE is a fictional character in the Megaman Battle Network video game series created by Capcom and the MegaMan NT Warrior anime.

In the anime, Roll is a Netnavi warrior, whose operator is Maylu Sakurai, as well as her best friend. Roll is in charge of carrying the agenda of Maylu; to remind her of her piano lessons, her homework, and what to do during the day. But when she does not accompany her operator, she usually spends her time near her friends Megaman, Gutsman, Glide and Iceman. The Roll design is very tender, as well as slightly different from its design in the original Megaman games.

Roll is an excellent battle ship. You can use numerous attacks regardless of the Battlechips, such as "Roll Whip" and "Roll Arrow"; it also has the ability to make viruses fight on your side by giving them a small portion of love. Roll's interest in his partner Megaman is evident from the first chapter. Roll is in love with the navi and gets very jealous if someone steals the attention of Megaman. Primarily, his rival is Meddy, a foreign ship.


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