Chulak is a fictional Stargate planet, wooded and temperate with two suns. It is the world of the Jaffa and is under the control of the Goa'uld Apophis.
It is one of the few worlds that has Goa'uld larvae in abundance and has a large number of Jaffa monks, who practice the rituals of implantation and various spiritual ceremonies. This planet serves as a prison for the guests who capture Apophis and is also heavily armed.
Jaffa culture and architecture are very similar to those of the Greeks and Romans of the Earth of the past. In an alternate dimension to which Daniel Jackson traveled, the SGC sent a Mark V nuclear bomb that destroyed the Stargate of Chulak, the city and its environs, killing all Jaffa, including the Teal'c Alternative family. >
This planet is governed by the council of jaffa's free and is the planet where the rebellion of the jaffa began. Teal'c together with Bra'tac recruit jaffas on this planet for the uprising against the false Goa'uld gods.