War memorial Michlitz

War memorial of Michlitz

The war memorial Michlitz is a protected monument in the village of Michlitz in the district of Röcken in the town of Lützen in Saxony-Anhalt. The memorial stone is listed as a monument in the local monument list under the registration number 094 14203.

The memorial of Michlitz is a stele of limestone. Two urn sculptures stand on the sides of the stele. They carry the figures 1914 and 1918. On the front of the stele is an iron cross as relief and the inscription OUR HEROES. Underneath, a memorial plaque with the names of the fallen of the First World War and the inscription for the fatherland died in the stele:

The stele is surrounded by an iron fence. Edit source source text Single-level Edit source text

51.24684412.116678Koordinaten: 51 ° 14 '49 "N, 12 ° 7'0" W


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