Third Order of Santo Domingo

The Grand Prix Mil Guineas is a classic horse race that takes place at the San Isidro Hippodrome on a grassy track and summons 3-year-old filly, over a distance of 1600 meters. It is cataloged as a Group 1 competition on the international scale and is part of the selective process of products.

It is performed in the month of August, together with its male counterpart, the Grand Prize Two Thousand Guineas. Until 2007, both races were annexed in their denomination the titles "Consecration of Potrancas" and "Consecration of Foals", respectively.

Both races have been held since its first version in the Hipódromo de San Isidro and were instituted in 1980, in the image and likeness of similar English, comparisons that marked history within the international turf. The Argentine Guineas owe their name to The 1000 Guineas Stakes (G1 - 1600 meters, three - year - old filly) and The 2000 Guineas Stakes (G1 - 1600 meters, three - year - old colts) held every year at Newmarket 's English racecourse. Both competitions mark the beginning of the Triple Crown of England, which completes with the Epsom Derby (G1 - 2,400 meters), disputed from 1780 in the race course of Epsom Downs; and the St. Leger Stakes (G1 - 2,800 meters), made since the season 1776 in Doncaster. The English version of the 2000 Guineas was disputed for the first time on April 18, 1809 and its name was due to the money bag that it distributed in that opportunity: 2000 guineas.

Over the years the format of the English Guineas was used in different countries of Europe to create their selective collages. In Ireland the Irish 2000 Guineas were instituted, France established its Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Germany developed the Mehl-Mülhens-Rennen and Italy was awarded its Parioli Prize. Checks formed according to the original characteristics of the Guineas and that shaped the classic calendars of the old world. The Guineas were also the parameter that many countries in the world took to constitute and to develop their selective processes, something that also happened with the classic Argentine calendar. In addition, other countries in South America also emulated the selective format in their calendars. Latest winners of the Grand Guineas Grand Prix Bibliography


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