The European Bird Census Council (EBCC) is a Netherlands-based company founded in 1992, in which birdwatching experts work out European monitoring programs and atlas projects, thereby promoting the protection of European bird populations. The aim of the EBCC is to identify changes in the dissemination, abundance and demography of European birds at an early stage, by bringing together experts and the communication between organizations, institutions and individuals interested in the monitoring of bird populations, as well as providing reliable information on conservation-relevant bodies and policy-makers protection and management. To achieve these objectives, the EBCC organizes workshops and conferences, publishes its own journal (Bird Census News) and supports the development of national monitoring programs. The EBCC Atlas of the European breeding birds
The EBCC's most significant project to date was the production of The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds, edited by Ward J.M. Hagemeijer and Michael J. Blair in 1997. The Atlas was the first to present Europe-wide screening maps for all breed bird species in Europe. The book is mostly written in English, but includes an introductory chapter in thirteen other European languages. Data collection in the open air was carried out between 1985 and 1988. In the years 2013 to 2017 further field work is planned to publish an updated atlas with more than 5,000 50 × 50 km grid fields with the spread and abundance of more than 500 breeding bird species. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text