Laura Perez Vernetti-Blina, who signs as Laura, is a cartoonist and Spanish illustrator, born in Barcelona in 1958. She is a regular contributor to El Víbora magazine and has worked with such writers as Antonio Altarriba, Joseph Marie Lo Duca and above all Felipe Hernández Cava. Biography

After graduating in Fine Arts in the specialty of painting, he worked for ten years (1981-1991) for the magazine El Víbora. Between 1982 and 1984, he exhibited without interruption at the Barcelona Comic Fair. Ediciones La Cúpula edited the monographs El Toro Blanco (1989) with Joseph Marie Lo Duca and La Trampa (1990).

In the following years he has participated in the collective albums Nous Sommes les Maures (Éditions Amok, 1998), 11 M, Once Miradas (2005) and Our Civil War (Ariadna Editorial, 2006), all with scripts by Felipe Hernández Cava . With the Madrid writer, he also created Macande (Ikusager, 2000), about the singer Gabriel Díaz Fernández, and Sarà Servito (Edicions De Ponent, 2010). For this last work, acclimated in the Venice of the XVIII century, counted on a subsidy to the plastic arts of the Art and Law Foundation.

Also for Edicions de Ponet, he drew The Thousand and One Nights (2002), again with Joseph Marie Lo Duca, and Amores Locos (2005) and The Brightness of the Black Cat (2008) with Antonio Altarriba. In June 2006 he was included in the exhibition The best color pencils of the world of Rome, along with other prominent illustrators.


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