Harald Julin

Harald Sigfrid Alexander Julin (born 27 March 1890 in Stockholm, † 31 July 1967) was a Swedish swimmer and water ball player.

For the first time, he took part in the 1906 Olympic Intermediate as a swimmer, but could not place himself with both the team and the individual in a 100 m freestyle. Two years later at the Olympic Games in 1908, he won the bronze medal in the 100 m freestyle competition. He also won the bronze medal with the Swedish national team. At the Olympic Games in 1912, he won silver in the water ball. He once again took part in the Olympics at the Waterball in 1920 and won again the bronze medal. At the Olympic Games in 1912, he also took part in the swimming disciplines but could not win a medal there. Weblink Edit source text


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