Gerad (also Garad) was the title for the Islamic rulers and tribal leaders in imperial Ethiopia in the Middle Ages. They dominated the Islamized territories in the southeastern boundary of the empire. In the history of Ethiopia, the Gerads were often vassals of the Ethiopian emperors, but sometimes also included anti-Ethiopian alliances with the Islamic sultanates Ifat and Adal. Through military pressure or through marriage politics, the emperors tried more or less successfully to link Gerad to the Ethiopian empire. After Emperor Zara Yaqob (1434-1468) had failed, with his plan to tie the straight line of Bali closer to Ethiopia by marrying his sister, he quickly ordered the territories of all straits to be military. He took the title of Gerad and replaced him with the Hegeno, an imperial administrator. But his successor, Emperor Beyde Maryam I (1468-1478), again introduced the title of the straight line. Edit source text