Roman Manor (Gurtweil)
The Romans Gutshof Gurtweil was a farm with bathing facilities from Roman times and was located between the city of Tiengen and the district of Gurtweil in Baden-Württemberg. The Roman estate was situated on a lower-terrace of the gentian, on a limestone slope descending to the south-west. In the nearby Steinbrunnen, there was a source which had now dried up. The plant is not visible on the surface and is used as arable land.
The Roman buildings in the Schlößlebuck or Schlößleäcker castle formed an ensemble around a Villa Rustica with a minimum extension of 230 × 120 m (= 2.76 ha). Reports on excavations date back to the early 19th century. The site was then a hill up to 6 m high and 40 m long. In the years 1926 and 1928 Karl Friedrich Heck from Waldshut undertook larger excavations. Remains of at least four stone buildings were discovered.
In the autumn of 1926 the geologist Wilhelm Deecke and the archaeologist Ernst Fabricius visited the excavations. Descriptions also supplied Paul Revellio. E. W. Heinz reconstructed a core building with Caldarium (Room K), Tepidarium (Room F) Frigidarium / Apodyterium (Room H) on the basis of the development of other villa baths. He saw the Piscina as a later cultivation. The finding of a crossbow fibula (in building A) as well as the Germanic ceramics from the baths indicate that several buildings of the estate were visited or reused by Germanic settlers. There were two stamps of the 21st and 11th legion on groin-bridging pieces in rooms B and C, a stamp of the eleventh legion on a hypocausten plate in room H. The whereabouts of Legio XI Claudia is from 70-101 AD Headquarters in Vindonissa, the bricks probably came to Gurtweil at this time, but possibly also later. There are plans and some photos of the excavation. Apart from a few reading and / or accidental finds, no further studies have been carried out so far, there are also no clear aerial photographs. Edit source text Single-level Edit source text
47.639368.25696Koordinaten: 47 ° 38'22 "N, 8 ° 15'25" W