Leonor de Cominges
Leonor de Cominges (? -1365) is a French noble daughter of Bernardo VII de Cominges and Laura de Montfort.
Married in 1327 with her cousin-brother Gaston II de Foix-Béarn, Count of Foix, Viscount of Béarn, Marsán, Gabardán, Nobouzán (in Cominges) and Lautrec. He brought as a dowry for his marriage the sovereignty of the county of Bigorre and the dominion of the Low Earth of Albi. He left in 1343, remaining as regent and protector of the states of Foix-Béarn before the attempts to seize them from the houses of Armagnac and Cominges.
He went through all his states, forcing the recognition as sovereign of his son. Thus, the nobles of the country of Foix offered homage to "Alienors de Convenis comitissa ac vicecomitissa", widow of "Gasto comes Fuxi ac vicecomes Bearnii ac Marciani", dated December 28, 1345.
Count Gaston II de Foix and Leonor de Cominges had a son: Gaston III Febus de Foix who succeeded his parents.
He died on May 16, 1365.