George Machin
George Machin (* 30 December 1922, † 5 December 1989) was a Scottish politician of the Labor Party. Political career Edit the source text
After the Labor Commissioner George Thomson, who had represented the constituency of Dundee East in the House of Commons since 1952, had been appointed EU Commissioner, he resigned from his mandate. The Labor Party, Machin, was the successor to Thomson. In the elections held on 1 March 1973, Machin, with a vote of 32.7%, beat himself closely against the SNP candidate Gordon Wilson, who received 30.1% of the votes.
Machin moved into the British House for the first time. He held his maid on the 8th of March. In the following elections in February 1974, Machin won 1% of the votes, but still fell to SNP candidate Wilson, who received 39.5% of the votes. Machin therefore left the House of Commons, but returned to the Dundee East constituency in the October elections. After further votes from Wilson, he missed a new entry into parliament. From his eleven-month period as a deputy, eight contributions are recorded. Single-level Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext