Respiratory Therapy
Respiratory Therapy (T.R.) is a profession in the health sciences, where trained professionals work with patients suffering from acute or chronic cardio-pulmonary or respiratory problems and / or conditions. Respiratory therapists also refer to themselves at times as cardio-pulmonary therapists or respiratory and cerebral care professionals. Respiratory therapists work independently either in private practice as well as within the respiratory therapy department of a care center and as part of a multidisciplinary team to plan, integrate and evaluate the cardiac and pulmonary care and function of a patient with a pathology or previously diagnosed condition. Respiratory therapists also recommend intervention and therapeutic methods, whose purpose is to develop it as a resource for consultation, diagnosis and treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. Multidisciplinary Team of Work
In the care part there is a multidisciplinary team in charge of carrying out the protocol of care, diagnosis and treatment whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of the patient who is under his responsibility and thereby achieve the goal of improving quality of cardiopulmonary life.
The team consists of: Specialty
Some of the respiratory therapists look for to do or to develop: In the majority of the times and depending on the pathologies of the patients, the accompaniment of the doctor becomes necessary since there are some specific procedures in which we can not act independently, case of some severe infections.