Faravid was a legendary king of Kvenland, somewhere in present-day Finland, which is mentioned exclusively in the saga of Egil Skallagrímson. According to the saga, Faravid made an alliance with the Norwegian Vikings to fight the Karelian invasions. He is the first presumed monarch of Finnish that is mentioned in the history of that territory and appears for the first time in the Nordic sagas.
The saga unfolds in a 9th century context, but historians consider it a premature time to be credible, at least as far as Karelia's attack is concerned. The saga was written towards the XIII century and possibly influenced by other sources, reason why at the moment it is impossible to affirm if the story is true or borrowed from another historical context. The name Faravid is not Finnish, but neither of Germanic origin, which complicates even more the true identification of the king and its figure subject to speculations, for example that it was a translation of Kaukomieli ("the great longing") or Kaukamoinen ("the great traveler ").