The Hades, the Greek name of the underworld (also the name of the Roman god Pluto) is divided in two main regions: Erebus and Tartarus. The Erebus is the first entrance of the dead to the underworld. Charon helped the dead to cross the Stygian lagoon, thus reaching Tartarus. Hades is the area of the underworld where the dead must spend all eternity, being sent to the place for which they have been judged. Hades is divided into three subsections: the Asfódelos Meadows, the Erebus and the Tartarus. Tartarus is the place where evil and treacherous souls are sent to suffer horrible punishments eternally, similar to Christian hell. Geography The Fields of Asfódelos were the place where the souls of those who had a balanced life with respect to the concepts representative of the good and the evil rested. Essentially, it was a plain of asphodel flowers, which was also the favorite food of the dead. It is described as a ghostly place, much more precarious to life on Earth. Some stories describe it as a neutral earth. That is, its inhabitants are neither good nor bad, and perform their monotonous daily tasks.
Other representations also tell us that all residents drink water from the river Lete before entering the fields, thus losing their identities and becoming beings without consciousness. This last point represents a negative view of life after death in these camps and was probably used to persuade the Greek population to join the army as opposed to the daily routine and inactivity of the civilian. In fact, those who wielded arms in life thought that they would rest forever on the Champs Elysees after his death.