Juan Hidalgo Repeater

Juan Hidalgo Repeater (Navalmoral de Toledo early 17th century -?), poet and Spanish dramatic author of the Baroque.

He was born in the town of Navalmoral de Toledo. He wrote in octaves a Castilian Heroic poem, of the life, death and translation of the glorious Holy Virgin Casilda on the life of St. Casilda (Toledo, 1642), with a laudatory poem by the playwright Jerónimo Malo de Molina, on the occasion of the translation of a relic of the saint to Toledo in that year, and several dramatic pieces, of which only the Mozarabs of Toledo (Madrid, 1672) and the sacramental car The Child God in Egypt, and more blessed thief. p>

At least the titles of other works are known, such as The Aurora in Monserrate, The Monster of Barcelona and There are no traitors without punishment, nor loyalty without achieving a prize. It should not be confused with other Juan Hidalgo, like the musician of the first zarzuelas of Calderón, or the Juan Hidalgo poet of germanía. Notes Bibliography


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