High Kings of Arnor and Gondor

High King of Arnor and Gondor is a title that, under the legendary fantasy created by J.R.R. Tolkien, used the sovereigns of all dúnedain that created the kingdoms in the exile after the fall of Númenor. The first to take the title of high king of the kingdoms of Arnor Gondor, just newly founded, was Elendil el Alto, who had led the dúnedain in the flight of Númenor and descended from the royal house of Elros through the line of the Lords of Andúnië. After Elendil's death, his eldest son Isildur inherited the title. At his death, but the two kingdoms separated: Valandil, son of Isildur, assumed the title of King of Arnor, while in the kingdom of Gondor, Meneldil, son of Anárion, the second son of Elendil, was proclaimed king. Valandil never used the title of high king, and thus Isildur is counted as the last. However, after Ondoher's death, Arvedui Arthedain claimed his sovereignty over Gondor as Isildur's legitimate heir, but the Council of Gondor (led by the seneschal Pelendur) rejected it by arguing that Isildur had renounced his rights in favor of Meneldil, and that therefore only the heirs of Anárion could be Kings of Gondor. Arvedui would end up being the last king of Arnor, and his descendants, the captains of the dúnedian never claimed neither the throne of Gondor nor the title of high king. At the beginning of the Fourth Age, however, the two kingdoms were reunited under King Elessar Telcontar, formed the reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor. High Kings of Arnor and Gondor

Elendil el Alto (3320 - 3441 S. E.) Isildur (3441 - 2 T. E.)

High Kings of the Reunited Kingdom

Elessar Telcontar (3019 T. E. - 120 C. E.) Eldarion Telcontar (120 - 220 C. E.)


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