Bulgarian People's Union

For other uses of this term, see Union Popular.

The Bulgarian People's Union (in Bulgarian, Български народен съюз or Bălgarski Naroden Săjuz, BNS) is a Bulgarian political coalition centered around the Bulgarian People's Union (Bălgarski Zemedelski Naroden Săjuz-Naroden Săjuz ), the Internal Revolutionary Organization of the Republic of Macedonia - Bulgarian National Movement (Vătrešna Makedonska Revoljucionna Organizacija-Bălgarsko Nacionalno Dviženie) and the Union of Free Democrats (Săjuz na svobodnite demokrati) and presented to the Bulgarian legislative elections of 2005, in which it obtained 189,268 votes (5.2%) and 13 seats. Its leader was the mayor of Sofia, Stefan Sofiansky; since 2006 was involved in several cases of corruption and soon dissolved.


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