Mundir II

Mundir ibn Yahyá al-Tuyibí Mu'izz al-Dawla (m. 1038). Rey de la taifa de Zaragoza de 1036 a 1038.​

He was the son of the sister of Ismail al-Zafir, king of the taifa of Toledo, with which his father Yahya al-Muzaffar had married to seal an alliance with taifa of the middle mark.

We do not have much information about the king Mundir II of Saragossa, that belonged to the lineage of the tuyibíes. The sources that relate the facts of this time are centered on the conspiracy against him raised by a relative of the main line of this lineage called Abd Allah ben Hakam.

In 1035 the false caliph Hisham II was raised in Seville, but the king of Zaragoza Yahya refused to recognize his authority as, on the other hand, had made all his predecessors since Mundir I. However, this was the an excuse that his cousin, Abdullah ben Hakam, was eager to proclaim himself king of the taifa, to create a plot that ended the assassination of Mundir II in 1038. This led to great disturbances in Saragossa, dynasty tuyibí, and to give origin to the period of monarchy hudí from 1039, in that accedes to the power Sulaymán ben Hud al-Musta'in, that at this time was governor of Lerida.



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