AMOS Basic (AM- stands for Amiga) is a variant of the programming language BASIC developed for Amiga-Computer, developed by Francois Lionet in 1990 and published by Mandarin Software.

In 1992, two extensions were added: "AMOS 3D" (with commands and tools for 3D programming) and "AMOS - The Compiler". The compiler creates programs that are usually executable by the AMOS-Basic programs and do not need an interpreter.

At the end of 1992 another version of "AMOS Professional" was released.

The source code for Amos is available for download at Clickteam (one of the founders is Francois Lionet) (see Weblinks)

One of the features of this BASIC dialect is the integrated scripting language "AMAL" (AMOS Animation Language), which allows you to animate and control sprites (computer graphics) parallel to the normal program. Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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