Programa LIFE
Logo of the LIFE program.
The LIFE program is a European Union (EU) instrument to finance environmental conservation projects and the development of Community environmental policy and legislation. In this way, they cofinance environmental initiatives in the EU and in certain countries of the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe and some third countries.
The LIFE program was created by the EU in 1992 and has co-operated in 2,750 projects investing around 1,907 million euros through 2007.
characteristicsThe LIFE program supports economically the development of research or concrete interventions aimed at nature conservation and the sustainable development of urban and rural environments. These initiatives must meet the following general criteria:
There are three types or fields in which the LIFE program operates: Nature, Environment and Third countries. The main objective of Life dedicated to Nature is to contribute to the conservation of nature to maintain and improve natural habitats and / or animal and plant species of designated areas within the Natura 2000 Network. LIFE
The financial instrument for environmental support, natural conservation and climate action has co-financed 4,306 projects since its inception in 1992. For the period 2014-2020, LIFE will contribute approximately EUR 3.4 billion for the protection of the environment and climate.