Dry Pampa
Map of the Pampa region, with the approximate boundary between the humid Pampa and the dry Pampa.
The dry Pampa or western Pampa is a geographic subregion of Argentina, pertaining to the pampeana region, also integrated by the humid Pampa. As its name indicates, it shares with the whole region the general characteristic of being a great plain ("pampa" in Quechua means plain), and is distinguished by the dryness of its climate, being located to the west of the humid Pampa. The border between the dry Pampa and the humid Pampa oscillates according to the climate, and it is indicated by the isohieta of 500 mm, but in general terms it is possible to establish the limit between both approximately in the border of the Provinces of La Pampa and Buenos Aires . To the north, the dry Pampa limits with the Sierras Pampeanas; to the west with the cuyana region; and to the south with Patagonia. It covers the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, the southwest of the province of San Luis and more of the western half of the province of La Pampa. characteristics
The characteristics of the subregion are directly determined by the scarcity of rainfall, a circumstance that is accentuated in the westward direction. The dryness leads to the natural pastures that characterize the wet Pampa, disappear in the dry Pampa, where the mountain predominates, especially of caldén, chañar and algarrobo. The forest is becoming increasingly rare to the west, where the climate becomes desert and increases the presence of cacti.
The dry Pampa has many basins with salinas or lagoons that are drying and are in the process of forming salinas. One of them is the Salinas del Bebedero. Salinas Grandes, the largest in the country and the main supplier of common salt of the national economy, stand out among the salinas.