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The center of gravity of a body surrounded by a liquid or a gas or floating on a liquid is the center of gravity of the fluid displaced by it or the gas displaced by it. The center of gravity is thus the point at which the static buoyancy acts and is therefore also referred to as the buoyancy point. Edit submarinesQualtext
For a submersible submarine, the spatial position of the center of gravity of the gravity relative to the center of gravity of the submarine is decisive for the stability: to prevent the submarine from capsizing, the center of gravity should be above the center of gravity > Ships Edit the source text
In the case of ships on the water surface, on the other hand, the center of gravity of the underwater vessel is usually considerably below the center of gravity without capsizing. This is because the center of gravity travels: the side to which the ship is leaning (dips), dives deeper and forms additional buoyancy; the opposite side emerges and loses impetus. The ship behaves as if it were suspended like a pendulum at a point called the metacentrum. Only the metacentrum, not the center of gravity, must be above the center of gravity. The height of the metacenter above the center of gravity depends on the moment of inertia of the waterline around the longitudinal axis and is therefore very large for catamarans Edit source text