Cliona raphides
Cliona raphida is a species of demonponja of the order Halichondrida, massive in the advanced stages of the development; in early stages it is fouling. It is red wine color, and its surface is smooth. The ossos are very small, their opening varies between 1 and 3 mm in diameter. It is of firm consistency and not very compressible. In the preserved state it tints of pink alcohol. It is stinging only when it is torn. Anatomy
The ectosome consists of a thin, smooth dermis without specializations. The endosome, ocher-colored (A99; (M30-50, C00-10)), is dense, with few microcaves and internal micropores. Spicules
They are megascleras monoactinas of the tyilostilos type, which present modifications in the rounded end; rafidios microscleras are also found.