Rodrigo de Mandiá and Parga

Rodrigo de Mandiá and Parga (Ferrol, La Coruña, 1607 - Astorga, León, October 20, 1674) was a Spanish jurist and ecclesiastic.

The son of Diego Yaces de Mandiá and Isabel Fernández de Leizo y Doca, well-to-do members of the small Galician nobility, studied at the San Clemente Major School of the University of Santiago de Compostela and at the Cuenca University of Salamanca.

Ordained as a priest in 1643, Mondoñedo, Osuna, Sigüenza, Cuenca, Jaen, canon and chantre of Santiago, titular bishop of Syria from 1652 and vicar in Madrid by the archbishop of Toledo Baltasar Moscoso and Sandoval, canceled and maestrescuela in the university of Salamanca, bishop of Almería from 1663 and of Astorga from 1672.



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