Grades representatives

A graduate student is the democratically elected representative of a grade at a school.

Whether or not a stepped representative is elected at a school is different and depends on the school form, the school rules and the laws of the state.

The Candidates for the position of the Stufenspursers usually have many years of experience as a student in a leading position, for example as a class spokesperson. In the role, the stage spokesperson must be an example and should ensure an orderly and respectful approach among all pupils within his / her level.

Its function is largely similar to that of a classifier. One of his tasks is, among other things, the representation of the interests of the grade of the year against the teachers, the organization of class-wide actions and the membership in the pupil's representation. This also includes the promotion of camaraderie within the stage, for example through events that are not held at school. Furthermore, the conflict resolution is part of the task of the stage speaker and also the discussion with teachers should they jeopardize the interests of the grade.



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