The best of all time (intro)
The Best of All Time is the 2nd official single from Daddy Yankee titled Mundial. It was produced by "Musicólogo & Menes" Los De La Nazza. "It has a style of" tiradera "as it says in the video that was published the 14 of July of 2010. The song lasts of 2 minutes and 50 seconds, and Rumors on quite a few popular reggaeton pages say that the tune was directed at WY Records (excluding their great friends Jowell and Randy) and their former showgirl Falo, but stronger rumors indicate that song is addressed to the rapper Porta, for the song "Reggaetonto", which led to more current rumors that the rapper answered in his album "Reset" with the song "After your sunglasses." But it has been discovered by many listeners that the letters of the two, are not totally true to its referent and that there are no signs of indirect.