Marco Sergio Esquilino

Marco Sergio Esquilino (in Latin Marcus Sergius Esquilinus), one of the members of the second decemvirate, 450 a. C.

The patrician gens of the Sergians, like many other Roman families, claimed descent from the Trojans. They consider Sergestus as their ancestor (Virg., Aen. V. 121):

"Sergestusque, domus postulado a quo Sergia nomen".

The Sergio were distinguished in the early history of the Republic, but did not gain notoriety until the time of Catiline, which belonged to this gens. The first member of the gens that obtained the consulate was Lucio Sergio Fidenas, in 437 a. C. The Sergio carried the cognomina of Catilina, Esquilino, Fidenas, Orata, Paulo, Planco, and Sila.


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