Care Drain

CareDrain is a special form of the brain drain, in which medical specialists leave the country of origin. This can result in economic, but also humanitarian losses for the affected country. The main reasons for this are bad working conditions, health risks and pull factors in the arriving states, such as higher wages, better working conditions and a higher technical standard. Above all, developing countries and crises, as well as poorer rural regions, are experiencing a shortage of necessary qualified nurses. The care drain does not necessarily result in a caregain in the target area. While the target regions can meet their growing need for qualified nursing staff as a result of advancing medical progress and demographic change, the regions concerned will at least lose the cost of training their staff.

In the long term, positive effects can also arise as a result of the labor migration, for example by transferring back to the home country. Conversely, the beneficial effects of the immigration of qualified persons in the target country are called brain gain - sometimes referred to as caregain in the area of ​​care, according to Caregain. Losses by editing the source code

The emigration and the abolition of medical professionals lead to considerable losses for the state concerned.

The loss of highly qualified workers is particularly problematic for developing countries, which have great difficulty in raising the high level of education investment. Economic development strategies, which are based on high-technology and knowledge-intensive work, are strongly undermined by the targeted abdication and emigration of medical professionals.

The possibilities for scientific teaching are also limited by the migration of highly qualified workers. The chances of establishing a research location are severely restricted.

In particular, crisis regions suffer from a migration of medical professionals. The medical infrastructure is severely impaired and unqualified professionals must fill the empty spaces. This reduces the quality of the national health care system, which reduces the overall productivity of the workers as a whole. The national economies are thus severely impaired. Edit source text Edit source text



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