Barbuda (moneda)
For the island, see Barbuda.
Barbuda is the name of an old Portuguese coin, in circulation in the days of Fernando I of Portugal (1367-1383). They showed a type of helmet that, known then as bearded, gives the name to the coin.
On the obverse was the effigy of the king, with the letters CR to the left and the letter U to the right, framed in a circle; all this was enveloped in the legend + SIDNS MIHI AIUTOR I NON TIME (BO) (= Be Jesus Our Lord my help, I will not fear.) The reverse showed a cross of arms equal with a need for quinas, the cross divided the coin in four parts, each having a castle with three towers, all of which was framed in a circle and in the legend + FERNANDUS REX PORTUGALL, it was minted in silver and weighed around 4,20 grams.
By a testament of 1375 one knows that the barbuda was equivalent to 25 Crusaders, what it equated to the value of a maravedí.