Orencio de Auch
Orencio de Auch, (Huesca, Aragon or High Urgel,? -Auch, first half of the fifth century), in Latin Orientius, was, according to tradition, bishop of Auch. Venerated as a saint, his feast takes place on the first of May.
The Aragonese tradition makes him a native of Huesca and brother of San Lorenzo and, therefore, places it in the third century, which is impossible from a historical perspective. It is possible that he was a royal saint, bishop of Auch, but that around his figure were woven a series of legends that were collected by Francisco Diego de Aínsa, published in 1612 Translation of the relics of the glorious Pontiff San Orencio ... Aux to Huesca, his face and beloved homeland ....
According to this tradition, Orencio was the son of Orencio and Patiencia de Huesca, a marriage that lived near the city of Huesca, in Lauretum (where today is the Sanctuary of Loreto), and would be younger brother than would be San Lorenzo. When his mother died, and Lorenzo had left for Rome, his father Orencio had a dream where an angel told him to take his son and take him to the other side of the Pyrenees and not stop until the light that guides them turn it off.
Both Orencio, they leave and they arrive at Tarbes, where the light disappears, and there they settle down. As in Huesca, they live on agricultural tasks, until the son is chosen as bishop of Auch. Then the father returns to Huesca.
From here onwards, history and legend seem to agree in part: It governs the seat with justice, destroying pagan sanctuaries and evangelizing the area becoming an apostle of the Basques.
When the siege of Toulouse achieved peace between the Visigoths and Romans, this was a key part of the future coalition against Attila.
24 psalms attributed to the saint are preserved in a Tours codex. ber of 2015 was chosen by Mediaset to present the premiere of the last film of Alexander Amenábar, Regression. In 2016 continued with his theatrical formation and participated in series like Medical center of RTVE. At the end of 2016 he signed for the Sixth, where we could see it in the weekly news. In January 2017 he became part of the Research Team program.
Since 2015 he participates in the series I would like Divinity where he plays the role of Araceli de la Riva. Trajectory TV shows T.V. series