Writing credits (in alphabetical order) Juan Gracia
Juan Gracia (Ciudad Real, 1966 -), Spanish novelist.
He was a pollster, dependent and teacher of Latin, Philosophy and Religion, among other professions. This is one of the authors of the so-called Generation X, which includes authors such as José Ángel Mañas, Ray Loriga and others. In his urban novels, in a generational and realistic court, he dominates his philosophy of "there is no future" with characters driven to routine through excesses. It is to emphasize his novel Todo da igual (Barcelona: Mondadori, 1999). Jotaé, the protagonist, unfolded in another personage who represents his conscience, Esau, makes the decision to leave his managerial position in the company of his father and to indulge in more satisfactory entertainments, like the sex or the cello, but that only highlights the nonsense of the existence of this child of papa, who is driven to skepticism and failure, whose life ends up being summed up in practicing urgent sex with anyone who gets shot, including his own brother-in-law, and across all possible borders, even committing a murder. From the antipodes of the young Kronen, those in this novel are rich and handsome, triumphant only in appearance and committed to the same routine. The secondary characters are well traced, like the mother's, and double readings abound. The style is very careful and the culturalist abound.