Position of Fowler
Fowler's position is an eponym used in medicine to describe one of the postures used in respiratory therapy. It is indicated to relax the tension of the abdominal muscles, thus allowing an improvement in the breathing of immobile patients and to increase the comfort of conscious subjects during oral feeding and other activities.It is used in postpartum women to improve uterine drainage , as well as in patients with meningitis, acute arterial insufficiency, heart failure, hiatal hernia and other septic infections. The eponym comes from New York physician George Ryerson Fowler (1848 - 1906), although it was first used by the English physician Charles Powell White. Placement
To assume Fowler's position, the individual is placed on his bed in a semi-posed position of approximately 45-60 degrees with knees extended or flexed. To do this, the head of the bed rises about 60-90 cm to the desired height and produce the characteristic angle of the posture. Variants
Fowler's position can be varied to suit different purposes. Thus the low Fowler position, the semi-Fowler position and the high Fowler position are used when the head is raised to 80-90 ° with respect to the rest of the body.