Object-oriented language

This is called any programming language that implements concepts defined by object-oriented programming.

It should be noted that the concepts defined in object-oriented programming are not a condition but are to define that a language is object-oriented. There are concepts that may be absent in a given language and yet do not invalidate its definition as an object-oriented language.

Perhaps the minimum necessary conditions are provided by the formalism that best models the properties of an object-oriented system: abstract data types.

Following this idea, any language that allows the definition of data types, new operations on those types of data, and instantiating the data type could be considered object oriented.

This definition agrees even with some practical examples, which are not considered within object-oriented programming, but could be. For example, programming graphical user interfaces for X systems using function infrastructures and APIs such as Motif, Xview and Xlib, are usually done in C language, but by organizing the code in a way that "looks like" (Widgets) . Examples of object-oriented languages


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