Faena taurina

In bullfighting it is called, in a general sense, the exercise that the right-hand man makes, being he better and more lucid, when he better executes the respective lots of which bullfighting consists. In the strictest sense is the brega that, passing from crutch, runs the matador, before stocking the bull.

The field work is no less interesting than the plaza: "A lot of fun offers, says Sánchez de Neira (Diccionario Taurómaco, Madrid, 1896) a herradero where fans show off their audacity before the testuz of a calf; the temptation is still greater, but among all the tasks there is no more beautiful and gallant than that of pursuing on horseback, in the open field and in the hand, a bull already made, either to overthrow it, to bind it or to separate it from the rest of the cow, taking it out of her and another six or eight successively, in order to choose and compose with all a race to be dealt with. "


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