Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography of the University of Concepción

The Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Geography of the University of Conception (FAUG) is one of the new faculties of the institution of Chilean education, the University of Conception, its creation dates from 15 of April 2003, is considered as an integrating Academic Unit that brings together convergent disciplines and chores with an interdisciplinary position.

It begins its activities, under the Rectorate of Augusto Parra, with the architectural careers (created in 1992) and the Department of Geography (2003). It is, for the time of conception, the third faculty to be born in the city of Concepción (after the University of Biobío and the University of Development), the undergraduate courses that ultimately teaches are Architecture and Geography and also distributes the Magazines " Point of Escape "," Geographic Magazine of the South "and the FAUG Bulletin.


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